Saturday, June 8, 2013

Boss DD-5

This is one of those pedals I didn't appreciate until it was gone, and now I'm looking to pick it up again. Nothing else can quite approximate the super-clean repeats this pedal puts out. This is worth picking up for the dotted-eighth setting alone. I got lost in that one pretty frequently, particularly once I built a cheap little tap tempo pedal to dictate repeat times. It works in stereo, too, which wasn't an option for me when I owned it--I've since switched to two amps, and wish I'd been able to hear this pedal.

I'll be buying this again. The problem is that I bought this one for $60, and I'm not likely to find that good a deal again, so I wait.

I traded this in to finance another delay purchase, and one that I don't regret--the EHX Deluxe Memory Boy--but, in what's become a running theme for gear purchasing, I regret selling most of the things I unload. My unofficial rule is that I can't have more pedals than can fit on my board, and running three delays feels a tad crazy. But I love them so much...

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