Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Boss OC-2

I picked this up for $30 or so from a local shop. I really liked it, and it seems as though the OC-2 is a really popular pedal among bass players--especially in conjunction with a ring modulator and a low-pass filter.

The OC-2 is terrible on chords, though it makes no claims of polyphony. Still, it's good fun to listen to the pedal glitch all over the place while attempting to latch onto one note. For analog low octaves, this is a classic, and tough to beat.

Built like a tank, my OC-2 was ancient, battle-tested, and perfectly serviceable. When it comes down to it, I had so many pitch shifting devices (and plans for more!) that my focus turned toward collecting high quality and flexible "primary colors" with which I could work. And that means flexibility with sound, routing, and controls--none of which are offered in the old-school Boss OC-2.

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