Saturday, November 3, 2012

Boss CS-3

I thought I liked compression--until I bought this pedal. I'm still curious about MXR's Dyna Comp, but, for now, I think I like having a little more control over my dynamics. I can definitely see the value of squishing your signal and getting "the Nashville sound" with compression, and I do think it works well in solos.

Overall, this this just made my playing sound kind of...bad. With some overdrive, even some fuzz, the compression killed all of the fun bits--the spikes in volume the harmonics, the string-to-string interaction.

I bought this because Juan Alderete calls it his #1 pedal, and I love Juan. Between the problems I described above and the unbearable hiss this pedal caused (easily the noisiest thing I've ever owned--not to say that all CS-3s are, but mine was horrible), the CS-3 went back faster than any pedal I've ever had.

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