Saturday, November 3, 2012

Behringer VT-999

There was a time when I thought I could get away with playing cheap pedals. I bought this thing early on in my obsession. It's actually a pretty decent overdrive, and I like that it has the 3 band EQ. I enjoyed it for a bit, but it is enormous--bigger than a Big Muff--and...we''s a Behringer. I get the exact same thing out of the Pigtronix Polysaturator, which is about 5 times smaller, better built, better sounding, and I paid less for it. So this puppy went back.

I don't have anything too bad to say about this pedal in particular. It was a little thin on character for me, as are most pedals that fall into the "distortion" category. I like overdrives, which are an odd type, as they have to be pretty quality to make a real impression on most people, and fuzzes which are just tons of fun. Distortion is, for me, kind of lame.

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