Saturday, November 3, 2012

ELectro Harmonix Big Muff Pi

Not a ton to say here. Most people have tried this, or at least heard the Big Muff, but I still really love this pedal. This is the big enclosure version, which takes up way too much of my board. Most of what's inside is empty space. The board itself is really small, and the 3PDT switch could easily be moved up, but I'm afraid to rehouse it, or to pick up a Little Big Muff. I don't want to lose the magic. Like taking apart a great guitar one too many times, I'm afraid that I'll just lose this pedal's mojo if I do anything drastic. So it's staying. (Edit: Re-housed. Pretty simple project, and it works well for pedal board space. Total cost: $3 and about half an hour. Look into it!)

One of my favorite things to do with box is to cascade fuzzes into one another. If I run the Fuzz Factory into the Pigtronix Polysaturator into the Muff, I get all kinds of weird harmonics that can't really be replicated by other combinations. Yeah, it gets weird, and it's noisy as hell, but it's not like I'm playing arpeggios here--I'm cranking everything up to 11.

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