Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dunlop Crybaby Wah

The Crybaby is the standard wah seemingly everyone uses. I found it to be a huge tone-sucker, scratchy, and requiring a super sensitive/heavy-footed touch to get those stupid mash-down switches to work. I can just never get them to do what I want, so I like the optical kind.

Seems like everyone needs a wah pedal, as there are some phrases that just ask for it. I tend to use my Morley bass wah as more of a filter; I give it a real slow sweep over a measure or so before starting it up again. Sounds cooler that way that with the widdly-diddly minor pentatonic stuff that everyone seems to gravitate toward when they step into a wah pedal. I'm not trying to disparage that kind of playing, but...oh, who am I kidding? If the world never heard another blues lick, it'd be a better place. Enough, already. Most kids music uses pentatonic scales, too.

Despite my experience, I can see how everyone finds this to be a fine sounding wah with a good throw, an easy sweep. I can see why people like it, but it just sounded so tame, and so typical for a wah. I'm trying to come up with my own stuff, my own sound, and this pedal wasn't helping me get there.

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